Monday, August 16, 2010

Ashtyn's 9 month update

Wow. I just realized that I hadn't blogged a thing since Ashtyn's 6 month and now have little time this morning before work to say much.
Our family has had a busy time with the move to the rental home while our new home is being built in Iron Horse Ranch. We have been in the rental home a few weeks now. Everyone, including the cat, Bailey, has adjusted well. So far, on our new home construction, the lot has been cleared...that is all, but we are excited.
Ashtyn had her 9 month visit with her pediatrician on Friday. He thought she was doing great developmentally-wise. She is pulling up, trying to "cruise" (although she can't really take many steps in a row even though she is hanging on), feeding herself finger foods and babbling "dada" ALL the time. She is really a daddy's girl. She weighed 20.6 lbs, which is about 77% and I want to say it was 28cm (I have it written down somewhere) but regardless, that is the 66%. Her head measurement was 50%.
Ashtyn has been a busy little girl. She has attended several of her young friend's b-day parties including Maggie's 1st b-day and Nate's 4th b-day. She also attended a baby shower for the Palfreyman's little guy that has not yet arrived and is due in November (about the same due date as Ashtyn's last year!)
Let's see...more about Ashtyn:
1. She LOVES our cat Bailey but when she see's her she tries to chase after her. Even though she's a fairly fast crawler, Bailey knows about how fast Ashtyn is and at the last second runs off. Ashtyn also tries to call Bailey to her by making this strange "spitting" noise. It's funny.
2. She still has never rejected any type of food. Ever. She will eat ANYTHING you give her. She has even tried dried cat food once. (Yes, I was watching her when she picked it up, and yes, I let her "try" it but had to take it away when I realized she was not going to spit it out)
3. She is still taking bottles but seems to not want her morning bottle as much. We have started sippy cups of all kinds (the ones with straws also) but she's just starting to get the hang of it.
5. As mentioned before, she prefers her daddy to all others. This makes me a little sad, but I am told I was the same way.
6. So far, still just two bottom middle teeth but her gums are so swollen on top that I expect to see more any day now.
7. She doesn't seem to have a favorite toy any longer. It used to be her "mailbox" or her "toolbox" but now she seems to prefer boxes or block type things such as her shape blocks. Maybe we should get her some large leggos for her birthday.
8. She was bitten last week at day care. It didn't break the skin & I was told she didn't cry at all. I'm just glad to know she was the "bitee" and not the "biter".
Well, that's about all for now.
Pictures are from Maggie's birthday and also from the day of Jennie's baby shower.